We invite you to join the Wake County Medical Society Alliance, an organization of physicians’ spouses and physicians dedicated to improving the health and quality of life in the local community. Our vision is to create a network of support for our members, physicians and their families and to increase public understanding of health related issues. Be sure you mark your calendar with all our EVENTS for a fun filled gathering of old and new friends!
WCMSA County Membership gives access to all of the Wake County Medical Society Alliance events, newsletters, and directory. Membership at the State (the North Carolina Medical Society Alliance) and/or National level (the AMA Alliance) adds state and national newsletters and invitations to participate in their meetings. The NCMSA and AMA Alliance provide programs to train and support county leaders, develop programs for health education and support legislative advocacy on health issues.
Upon joining, you will receive the WCMS Alliance yearbook and newsletters, which will provide additional information on these and future events. These events are a fun, relaxing way to meet and spend time with other members of Wake County’s medical community and their families. Whether you are new to Wake County, or have lived here for some time, we would love to see you. More importantly, we look forward to having you as a member of our group! Please click on the "join now" button below and if you have any questions, please take a look at our frequently asked questions page or contact us at [email protected]. We would love to hear from you!