Mission Statement
The Wake County Medical Society Alliance is a nonprofit organization dedicated to
improving the health and quality of life of the local community.
Vision Statement
To create a network of support for our members, physicians and their families and
to increase public understanding of health related issues.
The Wake County Medical Society Alliance supports many health-related projects in Wake County. Each year we support
organizations in the Wake County area that are in need of services. Donations can be monetary, volunteer time, or specific material needs.
The Wake County Medical Society Alliance (WCMSA) awards grants to approved projects through our Community Health Fund. Members who wish to coordinate a new Alliance project to address current health and health education needs, may apply for grant funds.
Mission Statement
The Wake County Medical Society Alliance is a nonprofit organization dedicated to
improving the health and quality of life of the local community.
Vision Statement
To create a network of support for our members, physicians and their families and
to increase public understanding of health related issues.
The Wake County Medical Society Alliance supports many health-related projects in Wake County. Each year we support
organizations in the Wake County area that are in need of services. Donations can be monetary, volunteer time, or specific material needs.
The Wake County Medical Society Alliance (WCMSA) awards grants to approved projects through our Community Health Fund. Members who wish to coordinate a new Alliance project to address current health and health education needs, may apply for grant funds.
Membership Levels
WCMSA County Membership gives access to all of the Wake County Medical Society Alliance events, newsletters, and directory. Membership at the State (the North Carolina Medical Society Alliance) and/or National level (the AMA Alliance) adds state and national newsletters and invitations to participate in their meetings. The NCMSA and AMA Alliance provide programs to train and support county leaders, develop programs for health education and support legislative advocacy on health issues.